For example, a bag in standard Ukrainian is
торба (torba), but in Lviv, you might hear
кульок (kul’ok), while in Odesa, locals use
пакет (paket). And then there’s Ukrainian slang, which is constantly evolving.
Social media has given rise to fun new expressions:
- Залишайся в тіні! (Stay in the shadow!) – meaning "stay low-key."
- Зроби мені красиво (Make it beautiful to me) – meaning "do something well."
- Шо ти мелеш? (What are you grinding?) – meaning "What nonsense are you saying?"
Even traditional greetings have modern twists. Instead of the formal
Добрий день (Dobryi den’), young people just say
Привіт (Pryvit) or even
Хай (Khaj) (like "hi").